hey good morning tony here from learnautobodyandpaint.com body in pain and a quick video on alittle tank project that i'm working on rightover here i and let me tell you a little bit moreabout this thing home so you you understand what's going onhere let me show you the tank we have i yamaha whites are $50 gas tankhere this is the final stage of the project ii decided to do a two-tone graphic on it and here's what i did: okay initiallyand here's what you can do to its just ideas for you
i and you know i will break this downeven more detailed step-by-step within the vip course if you're interested inthat i took up the vip course atlanta body inpain but here's what happened i paid it i didsome body work we had a big chance right over here that the bodywork we based it ok'd green know first we did a silver base okay soare greenwood came out nice and light and this is the silver base rate there right then i got some fine line tape i'massed out the graphic
alright taped it up and i sprayed ourdream okay relate the green over the wholething then we took the tape off then our sober was revealed right after that igot some black pinstripe and we did this little pinstripe hereall along the painted edge okay along the painteda cheer black pinstripe and then i put two coatsof clear on top ovett emeriti have video this thingdone up before okay so to go to clear one on top ofthat now
i wanted i decided later that i wantedto put a detail on it okay and if you have decals right you could clear right over them andthat's what i did with this pinstripe right it was this the final sticker decals that i put on the nightcleared right over its if i had this learn all about campaign d-calif i would put that on the same time andthen put to quote the clear on it okay but i didn't have this detail and iended up clearing the whole thing okay clear the whole thing so it wasbasically done without this loan auto
body in pain decals here so now when i'm doing sanded the whole tankdown with 1200 great you don't want to go coarser than that like a thousand or6 under a hundred because its you gonna show your sanity scratchesgonna be too much to you too much sense scratches for your clearto cover alright that's that's important so if you wanna reclear anything you want it clear over 1200 grit somepeople say thousand but in my mind i think that'sto course
alright 1200 is safe 1500 is a littletoo fine now let's break into another sectionright now okay so if you if your paving a regular basis go clearcoat paint job you do not wanna paint your base over1200 great 1500 grit 1300 you wanna paint over 400grit because you need your pain to stick tosomething right and with cleared so it's a littledifferent alright clear-cut with based qos you have no partner unless it's a yearthing and now more that you're using
there's no partner alright so it's justgoes on to your primary issue or whatever you have underneath your undercoat okay so and then youwould lay your clear coat on top of that great not findyou'll have to send a clearcoat goes right over base coat youknow the day that you're painting alright but that now that we have clearcoat here you're probably thinking hey isn't 1200 little too smooth to paint oversorry got a parrot outside for a cocktail isn't 1200 a little too
fine too not not the answer is not when it's clear cover alright clearcoatyou have additive in it you have activator you know heart nearlyyou share with the clear coat and it will stick to it and it's notgonna peeler chip off as long as you have it sanded like this like a flat like this alrightyou're good to go all right then you could call it soundedbut that later if you want but today what i'm going to do right nowis waxing greece remove it clean okay andyou can waxing grease over clear coat
right it's not going to hurt you don'twanna waxing grease over base coat because you just gonna meltthat of right and don't worry if this is that like getting your getting mixed upi know i'm packing a lot of information in one video but in the vip course you know i havestep-by-step videos you know this do this do this do this to guessyou know this is like i'm covering a lot of things in this one video as wanna put out a lot of goodinformation here so well i'm gonna do right now
and i'll show you some other son videois summit wash it down with waxing grease remover tack it downso i have no dust on it and then lead to more coats of clear on top of this by to seal my learn autobody in pain dot com d-calif okay in my tank why do i want to do thatbecause i'm gas tanks you have the most wherealright you're leaning against that you got your body on it you know and a lotta motorcycles comewith clear coat on the gas tanks over
the details if you if you notice the rest to thebike the decals are just on it another reason why is if you still gasspilled fuel it's not you not gonna have a problemmilt of your d-calif the blue and all that you know it's going to be sealed in theclear coat and it'll be fine as long as you white wipe it off no big deal it'll beperfectly sealed right so that the two reasons whyyou want to clear over decals
on gas tanks i plus i like it i you know if i had by the rest my graphics on mybike i would have put them on and then cleared over everything the the entire bike with could grow becausewhen you wash it afterwards you don't have to worry about your clawyou know snacking up on the corners are the corners of your i lettering coming off a know that youknow you know they say i'm pretty well but once it's clear coated in seal then stays on forever alright so its tonyfrom an auto body in pain i hope you
like the tips on this video in my next video we're gonna show youare basically wash wiping it down clearing it two times and showing youthe finished product i it's again it's tony from an auto bodyin pain if you want to learn more check out more auto body in pain doc commongiving away free a five-page autobody manual as well as a90 minute dvd an autobody i think you gonna like it pick those items up right now and i willsee you at the site have a great day shower
i'll show you exactly step by step howto get these kind of results every single time alright thanks tonywhat's really going to miss soviet on that went do june do huh
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