hello, this is paul roustan and welcome tomy tutorial on how to body paint master chief with airbrush. i will be using european body art's vibe gold,black, green, and white water based makeups. the airbrushes used will be the badger omni3000 & vega 2000. mixing a 50/50 ratio of the green and goldwill result in a slightly brighter metallic green. freehand airbrush this new metallic greencolor as a base coat in all the areas you plan to show as green armor. do not worry about the edges at this point,as we will define them momentarily with the
color black. all you should be concerned about here isgetting nice even coverage of the color as a base coat. using a straight edge, made from acetate,mylar, cardboard, drawing board, or pellon, begin to define the edges of the armor andfill in the empty spaces with a solid base coat of black. you may notice that my shield has one sidestraight and one side curved. this gives you more options with creating shapes. now, using the same shield, begin to createform and dimension by creating shapes onto
the armor. think 3 dimensionally and try notto be too random. you will need to become comfortable with paintingwith the shield to understand where the paint overspray will begin and end. so practiceon a piece of paper or news print before hand. continue to do this step on the remainderof the green basecoat. get as creative as you like. notice how i use repetitive patterns againststandout shapes to differentiate the design. this contrast gives the result a more uniquelook than just using the same pattern all over the armor. also, don't concern yourself too much withperfection. think 'suggestion' as the viewers
eye will be looking at this illusion as awhole, not in detail. now, using european body art vibe white, anda fresh shield cut with a unique polygonal shape, i begin a repetitive pattern over theblack base coat. i differentiate the black armor shield workby keeping the white detail predominantly horizontal lines. i envision this materialto be flexible because it is built in sections with numerous joints. continue this process on the remainder ofthe black base coat. be very careful not to overspray onto the green armor, as this areais intended to appear underneath it. the final step is adding subtle highlights.still using the vibe white, create pinpoint
bright spots onto the body painting. be carefulnot to overdo it. a great way of understanding good placementof these points is to imagine which corner of each three dimensional object is nearestto you. try and imagine one set light source, and keep it as accurate throughout the bodypainting as possible. and that's all there is to it. now get creative!how can you apply these same techniques to other body paint ideas?
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