hi there! lindsay here, the frugal crafter.today i'm going to show you how to make your own metallic watercolors andmetallic acrylic paints, using dollar store eyeshadows. if you already have eyeshadow that's not the loose kind, that's fine, you can crunch it up to make itwork, and what you want to do is look for eye shadow with mica being the firstingredient, usually that's on the main package and it comes in. these are adollar piece from the dollar store, and what inspired this was the other day i knocked one of these off the gold one, and it hit myfloor in that bottom popped off it, and i couldn't believe how much product was inthere. that filled two of these
completely, and that's not counting whatwas on my floor, and what i mixed up to make to make some acrylic paint. ipainted these tiles with the acrylic paint, and it covered up the printingthat i had on the tiles underneath, so that was kind of cool, so i'm gonna showyou how to do both. so here are some examples of some that i've made, what these are are little watercolors, kind of like the twinkling h2o that youbuy, we can make them quite a bit cheaper. i'm just gonna loosely set the coverson here because they're not completely dried out yet, and i want to make surethey're dry before i cap them up good, but i don't want to get too much loosepowder in there, alright so when you get
these they look like this, and you cankeep them in here if you just want them for powder, they come with a littleapplicator which is handy, but i find that you can't really get all the stuff,all the powder out of there. i was really surprised at how much was in there. i'mgonna need to clean my camera when i'm done, gonna be powder all over it, sowhat you want to do is flip it over and there's kind of like a soft plasticbottom and you just want to get in there with like a with a pokey tool a paperpiercer works really good, and just start poking at it until you can pry off thebottom. hopefully, oh my gosh, i just did like four of these and didn't have anyproblem, i'm gonna stab myself on
camera, that would be justmy luck, oh for goodness sake, i'm gonna try a different color. thatone's problematic, let's try this one, probably the other one loosened upby now, there we go. see? easy, alright you can see, you get allthat powder in there, so what i'm going to do is, i want to keep some as loosepowder so i'm going to pour it into one of these containers and i save these,they had beads and them and i use the beads up and these are the little potsthat they came in, so i always save little containers like that. you neverknow what you might want to use them for down the road. i'm just going to fillthat container up, let's just give it a
tap there's lots of product in there,just don't want to dump it all over my table. whoa, now the excess i'm going toput on that tile, because i'm going to mix it up with some, say that you put itright in old container it's ready to go just like your pearl-ex, and now i'm goingto add some gum arabic and this is the bottle that it came from this is davinci gum arabic, this is an 8 ounce bottle, and i think i got it on sale when i got it, quite a few years ago, does last, and ithink i paid about $6 for but i bet that price is crazy higher now, but davinciwas a new company at the time, so they came out with theirstuff pretty inexpensively, so then you
want to mix your gum arabic and this isgoing to make your water color, the liquid water color, like your twinklingh2o, or pearl-ex water colors, so i want to make, i'm just mixing this up onthe tile, and i can add some more, i might have to add a little bit more of the gumarabic, some color seemed to take a little bit more gum arabic in order toget it nice and painty, it's going to make a paste, and i know i couldpause while i'm mixing this, but i kind of want to show you how much it takesand how long it takes, so that you're not kind of wondering if you got the rightthing, or if you're doing it wrong if you're doing it at home and it seemslike it's taking a lot longer, using a
lot more of the stuff, the coppery colorsdo seem to take a little bit more. you can do this with the pearl-ex, too. i justfind this to be such an economical alternative. i can start addingsome more of the powder to that. i was i mixed those right in the pots, but they kept spilling and i had to keep scooping it up off my table, so that'swhy i went to the tile method. i think it's a little bit easier to handlethis way, and those little square containers are great too. beadscame in those from the bead store. let's see how, it'sgetting really dry. i need a little bit more gum arabic, now if you have gum arabic
and you've noticed it's gotten thickover the years, this was like really thick in here, because i had decantedsome in the squeeze bottle, but it wasn't air tight and it was quite thick and itwouldn't pour at all. i just added a little water to it,and i microwaved it for 20 seconds and then it started to mix up and bubble upand now it was perfect. i could use it again. i buy my gum arabic inliquid form, but it does come powder as well. i've never used the powderedstuff, so i can't really offer too much advise on that. i'll use what's left there to show you the acrylic paint,now i'm going to scrape this up and put
it into one of these containers,let's use this one here, you wanna make sure it's one that you can easily getthe cap on and off of, and i don't put the loose powder in these containersbecause want the caps to be easy, to come out easy to come off from the watercolors, but not from theloose powder, because otherwise i'll have a mess. i tend to, the powder goes everywherewhen you open up one of the containers, and just kind of spread it out in there,could add a little bit more gum arabic but i think i got enough in there tobind it, so i'm not gonna go for anymore, alright so there i have alittle pot of liquid watercolor, i mean
i'm sorry, of a metallic watercolor. i'mjust gonna set that aside and now i want to show you how to make the acrylics, soi'm going to just kind of dump out some more that. and i am gonna use apaintbrush. actually i can use this. i need a little bit of mod podge, that'sgoing to be my acrylic medium, and now i will use the paintbrush just because ihave to use a paintbrush anyway to get in here, so i grab some paint, some modpodge and just mix it up the same way i did with the with the gum arabic, exceptthe mod podge will mix up a lot easier. alright maybe i'll put a little bit more inthere, that doesn't look like i have that
much pigment. i think it was this oneright here. i kind of tap it down, too, when i go to open it, cuz otherwise i'll geta lot of extra stuff and in just a little bit of a scoop, there we go,so i do like to use this dollar-store eyeshadow for this, becausethen i don't have to feel like i have to be so stingy with it.pearl-ex, i mean if you have a color you really like, it might be cheaper tobuy like a big thing of pearl-ex, get it in bulk counts per ounce, but this iscertainly an affordable option if you don't want to do that, or you don't wantto you know invest in in the pearl-ex. all right, so now i'm just gonna paint somehere and try out this copper paint so i
know the gold is really, take a look atthat, completely opaque, nice and shimmery and it's in you know, it's got themod podge in it so it's going to be permanent. i would if you're going to putit in like wood or something or have it outside you want to put another sealeron top of it, but i think that's pretty cool, and the watercolors as well. let megive an example of those, we'll get a fresh clean brush here, andwe'll try one of those out, try this one, because this one is the one i made thelongest time ago. i don't have very much room here, get a little bit of that on mybrush, and you want to make sure if you're using twinkling h2o, youwant to make sure that you leave
it uncapped until it dries. there, niceand shimmery, you hold it to light so you can see, nice and shiny, so that's justsome homemade supplies you can make using dollar tree powdered eyeshadow, you can also get this up a family dollar, and i don't know what that one, ihope that one comes off, that's kind of a different bottom, but there you have it,diy metallic paint! if you liked this video, please give me a thumbs up andsubscribe so you don't miss any of my other fabulous craft recipes, and tillnext time, happy crafting! oh one more thing the acrylic paint kind of got touse it when you make it, you don't want to make it up ahead,because this will be, you just use a wet
brush to get this stuff back up with gum arabic if it's get the mod podge in it once it dries, it's dried. you can'treactivate it, so keep that in mind while you're mixing.okay, all right, that's it. thanks so much and happy crafting.
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