these surreal stop-motion films are the workof hikaru cho, a chinese national living in japan whose inspiration came from an unusualplace. it all began when i wanted to paint somethingat home, and i looked around for something to paint on. i couldn't be bothered to lookhard so i used my hand and painted an eye on it. that turned out to be be quite freaky,so i took a picture and when i showed that to people they were very shocked - more shockedthan i thought would be possible. people tend to judge others just by theirappearances, the colour of their skin, their eyes. i think that is really stupid. so icreate these pieces of work with a message to others that not all is what it seems onthe surface.
hikaru cho's social conscience has been presentthrough out her work, but most poignantly perhaps when it used by amnesty international,but lucrative advertising deals have also followed in what looks to be a long artisticcareer.
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