great techniques gun handling techniquesgun setup air hose handling sequencing a paint job and we're also going to betalking about a whole lot of other things like airline systems theimportance of filtration the importance of air volume rather than air pressure so the other cool thing is that belowthis you're going to see icons pop up talking about some of the equipment andtools that i'm going to be holding up there all available from eastwood andsome of them are on sale you can find all of this stuff at eastwas so i just want to let you know that in advance
the other cool thing is that you canactually feel questions you can you can talk to us and at the end of thispresentation we're going to answer a few of those questions that you guys have aswitch is one of the beautiful things about what we're doing we are alive it's like it's like a news report we'relive here and it's very cool to be a part of this if you don't know who the heck i am i'mkevin taste i i own and operate and produce the patron location series alsodo some tv shows i do the truck show on spike and i just want to say out loud
i'm a really good painter now that mightsound almost full of stuff like that but there's a reason that i can say that i'ma really good painter is because i've painted thousands of cars it's not because i have god's gift ofpainting you guys anybody can be a really good painter it's repetition it's conscious thinking it's musclememory and that's what it is you gotta pay attention to the rules get yoursetup right and do it over and over and over and over and over and over and overagain to practice practice practice practice practice and you guys if you'rea beginner
if you're a pro you get better it'smuscle memory so when i say i'm a really good painters because i've done it a lotso all you gotta do to get your skills up is just practice so let's get started we're going to talkover here a little bit about air compressors now the air compressor is the heart ofyour shop i'll say it again air compressor is the harder shopeverything else depends one hundred percent on the quality andthe volume of air that you're putting out
here's some requirements i hope you'vegot a notepad if you don't these presentations are available for downloadlater you can view them later on and you can take some notes because there's alot of important thing there's a minimum that you need to painta whole cart you need at least a five horsepower compressor a two-stage aircompressor preferably with a cast iron pump a minimum of a 60-gallon tank andyou're talking about spending some money you have to have the proper amount ofair volume air pressure doesn't matter in painting any more air pressure is foryour tires it's a totally different set ofequipment and set of systems air volume
cfm is key and when you read the gunswhat they are required to have it cfm it's not pressured about 12 to 13 cmsome of the lower drawing some of these two guns are drawing less but he hearsthe difference you can have you see the difference inthe inside diameter of this and this pipe ok you can have the same air pressure orthe same volume air pressure in both of these pipes and the volume that's comingout the end of this one is much greater than the volume that's coming out theend of this one so the volume is what atomizes andbreaks up the paint so you can breathe
through a straw or you can breathethrough a culvert pipe breathing through a culvert pipe is easier and it's easierto paint so think of that analogy when you're setting up your system sonow that you've got your air compressor i wanted to show you something else thisis what i'm plumbing my main paint shop with its it's asystem that i got from eastwood is three-quarter inch inside diameterairline and the fittings are really cool there are push lock style fitting thathas an o-ring system and a feral that compresses on top and it makes it makesshort work and make sure your airline routing very very easy and the systemthat i've got has a hundred feet of the
blue hose it's got several fittingsseveral junction several unions and the cool thing is that it's flexible so youcan bypass a lot of the need for four look what you can do with it and it'slightweight aluminum with with a nylon membrane and it's really versatile so ihighly recommend that that again it also is available these wood let's talk about filtration you've gotto have clean air got to have lots of air but you've got to have clean air so this is the little ball filter thatyou you can buy and these you can screw onto the end of the paint gun and thiswill filter somewhat of the debris is i
don't recommend just this this helps ifyou've got a problem sometimes this can solve it on the fly don't depend on this - to save yourpaint job this is called a desiccant snake it's filled with desiccant now we'regoing to explain this again in just a second so hang on this goes in line to your air system andit's got a silica inside it that will absorb moisture it doesn't compress itdoesn't interfere with your cfm delivery so this is a nice fix if you're doing alimited amount of painting and i it
this relatively inexpensive when theywear out you replace them then you get into your different regulators andfilters this is just a regulator with a gauge onit with no filter whatsoever this has got a filter you can mount agauge and mounted in line with the regulator you've got to have a regulatorto get your air pressure where you want it this is the mack daddy of all of it thisis a three states a multi-stage desiccant system now desiccant is this stuff thesearen't silicon under silica what's
silica beads that absorb moisture and itworks exceedingly well these packets or what you get with modern electronicswhen you buy a tv when you buy a computer they're all packed everybody's seenthese they come flying out of the box you throw in the trash they are the same thing is in this andthey'll be in your canister in line in your air supply and they will filter outthe moisture this is multi stage these two aredesigned to catch particular this is designed to catch moisture and you again
you've got to have clean air you got tohave lots of air but you've got to have cleaner so think about systems like this now i want to make something very veryclear if you buy this stuff and you don't install it correctly you arewasting your money so if you're not going to install itcorrectly don't don't even bother you just youknow throw caution to the wind here's what i'm talking about whathappens when air compresses it's a piston just like an engineeredsuper heats that air when it comes off the manifold
it's hot so if you put your expensiverelatively desiccant system right on the manifold or a couple of feet off themanifold that air is still packed with moisture and it goes right over top ofthe filters it doesn't get separated so what youhave to do is sit this at least 20 feet preferably 50 feet away from that hotmanifold of your air compressor and you might be saved yourself i'm in a one big garage i want toplummet i'm in a small shop i don't have 50 feet i've only got 30 foot walls here's something now don't plum with pvci want to say that out loud
right off the bat this is pvc and i madethis piece just for demonstration purposes so what you can do to cheat distance isgo up and down and up and down now this is 10 inches here this is 20feet of three-quarter-inch id piping so if i was to double this i've got 40feet of of drying air of giving my air the the capacity to separate from themoisture with this and it also gives you the opportunity to mount a ball valvebridge drain valve down here and get the waterout and be able to evacuate so it doesn't fill up with water so thank yourway through this stuff you can cheat
distance with something like this plump it up and down you don't have tohave a 50-foot wall so keep that in mind when you're planning your airline system let's get to the good stuff let's starttalking about spray guns before we go into demos on the guns one of the questions that keeps comingup and and we've talked about this with the east with guys before we plannedthis this presentation is gun settings air pressure settings yes you have tohave up you have to have the pressure set rightand the gun recommends 10 pounds of the
air cap it almost makes me angry that the gunmanufacturers say 10 pounds of the air cap because for you and i there's no wayto verify that it's 10 pounds at the cap is not a gauge on the gun and there'snot a gauge of fits on the inlet to gauge the air pressure at the cap what you have to do is factor in the airinlet pressure right here now ten pounds at the cap a rule of thumb is that isgoing to give you between 30 and 34 pounds at the inlet so when they say ten pounds at the aircap just don't even worry about that
worried about the inlet air pressurewhich is the pressure coming in to the base of your gun now here's the thing to people say welli set my air pressure but when i pulled the trigger is it goes all screwy wellwhen you set your air pressure make sure your triggers fully depressedand whether you got a wall regulator or a regulator on your gun pull your trigger let air going throughit is pressure is set with the device completely open so keep that in mind aswell now what am i doing with these thingstaped to my paint guns extended stupid
but there's a method to the madness here these are what i call dry trainingguides and they're perfect for for learning gun handling techniques like isaid right off the head it's muscle memory its repetition and these give youthe opportunity to to understand what it feels like to be in the awkward strangepositions without even having a single bit of fluid go through your paint gun let me show you what i'm talking aboutnow the bristles the bristles of this brush represent where i want my spraygun on the surface and this right here this is a ferrari just in case you were
wondering now what i'm doing is i'mpracticing my technique by keeping the bristles just barely touching thesurface and i can practice my overlap and i can practice moving i can do arehearsal on the panel to see if i'm gonna run over it but the most importantthing is that up here in my wrist i'm getting a feel for how it feels wheni'm in in the right position in a nice comfort zone using correct technique my wrist is well i'm going to overhearmy wrist is broken it's not like that i'm not sweeping i'mgoing in a linear format and my wrist break so that the brush on the end ofthe spray gun is a beautiful training
tool and it's surprising how effectiveit is for you to it really sets the light bulb off to know exactly whereyour surfaces in relationship to your spray gun takes a lot of the pressureoff another great idea is this guy right here the reason is sometimes it's easy to getlazy with our spray technique now when i'm lazy my spray pattern islike this when i'm just kind of pointing at the panel with the gun and my patternobviously is going to get really heavy down at the bottom and really light atthe top and it's going to tiger stripe it's going to be inconsistent it's notgoing to be what i want and this gives
me the ability to test myself and keepmy gun perpendicular to the surface 90 degrees spray pattern parallel to thesurface so again it's a dry training guide thatshows me if i'm off-kilter one way or the other and lets me memorize thisnatural position that i'm going to have the best painting results so keep that in mind when you'respraying paint rehearse ron covell talks about being excuse mewhen he's welding he does rehearsal to get is his comfort zone to get his ismuscle memory built up before he starts painting and before he starts weldingand painting is absolutely no different
you want to be in a comfort zone whati'm talking about the comfort zone is i don't want to be out here going crazy painting out here and and i don't wantto go over here like this i want to have his own to where i'm in control painting is all about control yourcontrolling your air your gun your fluid and your surface so if i'm out here if i'm out of control i take a step get in the comfort zone sokeep that in mind as well now i'm following an outline because we want tomake sure you have time for your
questions so i'm gonna be looking atthis from time to time ok so we've talked about spray guntechnique let's talk about air hose technique andwhy is that important i'll show you another thing to consider as well asyour cfm on your air compressor is cfm in your air hose i don't recommend anything longer than a25-foot air hose because you you you experience pressure drop over distance the other thing that's very veryimportant is to keep a 38 inside diameter airline and three eighths idfittings which these are not these are
five sixteenths they're not threeeighths the difference between this and the professional spray gun setup thati've got in my booth is night and day i have seen an itch difference in this inthe length of the spray pattern by going to three eighths id fittings very veryimportant for a good effect of a good effect of spray delivery so what i'm talking about with the airhose this is nobody's going to do this reallyunless you forget when i'm over here guess what my air hose is do it it'stouching the panel and at the very least i'm not going to bunch of trash intowhat i'm about to paint or worst case
scenario i'm dragging my air hose intowet paint not good so this is what i recommendtake your air hose clip it over the shoulder that's not good enough because look whathappens it can call off the shoulder guide it with your other hand and you'reusing kind of a push poll you're controlling your environment there goes my guys andas i'm you see what i'm doing as i'm increasing my distance away from my body i'm feeding the air host when i comeback i'm pulling it back take a little
while to get that memorized but it'svery important to do so just think your way through this stuff in a rocketscience but it takes some thought and it takes some repetition we're going to put this over here let's talk about gun setup now that weknow what we're gonna paint we know what we're gonna paint with andby the way this is this is the the concourse gone from us what is a verynice piece of gear of the evolution guns or what you just saw they're very cost effective and they'renice guns i use these guns on jaded when
i shot it and i'm very happy with theresults sometimes even the best spray guns canget a goofy pattern just due to maintenance and stuff collecting intothe air horns and things like that so right here this is a representation thisis an elliptical pattern this is what you want to see this islike a football shape and that's what you want to see out of your spray gun now if it's like this if it's heavy oneach side and light in the middle that means you're blowing it out withair pressure your cranked up too high some of the spray guns only want 20pounds at the inlet 20 to 30 pounds is
typical so you have the opportunity to test onsome sort of a take-off part or a piece of cardboard like this set your spray gun before you paint yourcar just like you're welding well on a piece of scrap before you youput your quarter panel in so this one right here this means it'sheavy on one side having on the other side but it's it's cyclical it's it'sit's a curved like that typically what that means is that one ofthe air horns is blocked these are the air horns on the spray guntip now one of those might be crusted up
and blocked so you know it's a simplematter of cleaning it but that's what that will tell you so see now check this out - this is thedigital air pressure gauge this thing's nate if you got to have apressure gauge on the end of your gun this allows you to to adjust on the flyand it's very accurate so we're going to stick with a fairlylow pressure we're about 20 for the inlet so let's do it let's give it a shot sowhat do we got there we have the perfect elliptical pattern we've got thefootball right there buddy
the reason we have that is because we'reallowing the spray gun to do what is designed to do i've got the fan fully open i've got thefluid delivery fully open that's not to say you have to shoot likethat all the time but that's the optimal setup for me now we've got an air volume adjustmentdown at the bottom of the gun body which is nice to have if you want to adjust onthe fly here if you're going into some some tight recesses it's nice to have that and here's yourfluid delivery here's your fan
that's a fan that's blue delivery sowatch what happens when i tweaked and i want to improvise is my pattern startsgoing away and what's going to have to you right there if it's going to run all over the placeyou know we're not doing a collages or or art work we're painting cars and wewant a nice overlap so you can if you've got a cylinder to get inside it's really uncommon for me to recommendthat you choked your your fan pattern down and it's very uncommon for me torecommend that you choked your fluid delivery down
here's why see what i'm doing there it's misty what's going to happen is i'mgoing to get a rough surface i want a flat surface i want the pain to flow outand self level so i want to make sure that i'm letting the expensive spray gundo it is designed to do now i know some of you guys are sayingthis knucklehead is showing me how to spray paint that he doesn't have anysafety equipment on here i want to show you something this is acrylic craft paint i'm notbeing dangerous here there's no overspray in the air because this is ahigh quality hvlp gun
it's not given me over spray and this iswater-based craft paint now when we do make some overspray ofcourse i'm going to have a mask on so well i want to make sure that youunderstand that i'm doing this for demonstration purposes only and thatit's a safe way to demonstrate these techniques to you guys so always always please keep safety in the forefront ofyour mind these chemicals that were using when you comes time to paint aredangerous and their hazardous to handle as well as to ingest into our body soplease be careful and this is actually a good tip for youguys as well get some craft paint it's
not that expensive it's certainly not asexpensive as automotive paint and it allows you to play around with yourequipment and set things up and and get a feel for what you're doing so let's talk about let's talk about overlap what am i talking about with overlappingthat's a universal spray technique that you want a 50-percent overlap what am i talking about with that i'vemade a pass there a 50-percent overlap means that i'm moving halfway down fiftypercent from that pass and backtracking
so this way fifty percent down overlapfifty percent down overlap fifty percent down overlap now i'm stopping and starting and youcan see what's happening as well you don't want to do that because youget a heavy build up on the edges i stopped and started so i could talk toyou guys and show you but you don't stop and start with your fluid delivery whenyou're painting to ease the trigger off because you can keep the air going thesame time you're delivering you delivering paint so here's your technique
it's not perfect it's the first coat isblack on the light substrate so that's what i'm talking about with overlapfifty percent overlap you want you want your vehicle to appear as though it'sbeen dipped you don't want random dry spots and a 50-percent overlap or somekind of an overlap helps you build that code from one point to another point sovery very important to perfect your overlap and pay attention to what you'redoing and the gun handling techniques will allow you to be in a nicecomfortable position in your comfort zone while you're doing that speaking ofcomfort your hand this is your guy this
is what's what your eyes are telling to move throughyour brain so here is your standard prone position for a spray gun if i wantto pay up high like that on a van or something like that if i keep the same hand position it'sgoofy i'm going to get a heavy pattern on one side so here's something that i've learnedover the years you can change your hand position see how my wrist is broken there you canchange your hand position to to suit
what you're trying to spray so i've just suggested my hand positionand as i'm coming down i'm unlocking my wrist and now i'm inthe prone position the same thing goes for getting down alittle bit lower now typically i get down on my knees i'm old i'm old as dirtmy knees hurt i don't want to get down on my knees in a concrete floor anymore that was in my twenties i'm not thatanymore so what i've also learned how to do is adjust my spray gun and when i cupit like this but my palm over top of the controls
now guess what i can do i'm down hereand i've got a parallel pattern just like that perfect so if i don't want to get downlike this on my knees and getting my comfort zone i can make a quick adjustment of my handand go from the prone position to this position here and have perfect techniqueso keep that in mind when you're moving around on a larger vehicle so we talkedabout overlap we've talked about getting your gun setup properly we've talked about about propertechniques handling your air hose
here's something is very important iwant to talk to you guys about sequencing a paint job here's the analogy you want your car toappear as though it's been tipped as though you've grabbed thecovers and pull them up from your feet all the way up to your neck in onecontinuous coat sorry if that's goofy that's just whatit made me think of but you have to sequence your paint job on a completeoverall and this comes up an awful lot in in the website forms that i that ivisit the eastwood online restoration forum where do you stop
where do you start let's talk about howto sequence a paint job but can do we decide to go over on thatside are you okay there okay now keep in mindthis is my rc mustang it's clear and i'm going to be drawn allover it so obviously in this frame with youcan't move the car around but this this is what i'm talking about now i always start on the roof of thevehicle in an overall there's a couple of different reasons for that typically your air flow is coming fromthe top down and creating an envelope
around the vehicle even in a semi drownor a crop a cross craft paint booth the top surfaces are going to get hitfirst if i shoot the sides and then come up to do the top last i've got wet painthere that i have the potential of messing up so when i start here and thenwork my way around the vehicle and come up here by the time i get back to the secondcoat on that top well it's probably drying up for me to stood to start againand i don't risk messing up my sides anymore so the sequence that i'velearned over the years i call now this is in the patriot asian video series igo into great detail in the videos to
demonstrate this but i'm going to goahead and do it right here basically what i do is i start i like the driver'sside i want to start on the driver's side andi do what's called a push-pull method i'm going to explain push-pull veryclearly on a ferrari right here so what i do is step number one i paintfrom the edge from the drip rail to the middle now a lot of guys start from the middleand work your way down i don't like it i don't like doing that because you get adry spray in the middle and its tax the paint up
so push we push to the middle now wejump over to the other side and we start from the middle where it's still wet we grab that wet edge and drag it acrossthat step number two now i'm leapfrogging i'm leapfrog and that'swhat that means you're going from side to side to side to side to side andyou're creating a wet surface that grows through the car so step one step two i'm leapfrogging over back to thedriver's side quarter panel and i paint my quarter typically i like to start from thebottom and work my way up
because that allows me to push acrossthe side so i'll come up over here right to the sail panel and then i'll eat procover to the other quarter panel and i paid from the bottom up not riding on mydoor gap and i'll explain that in just a little bit and i paid my other quarterpanel and because i've got a wedge here that i was just at now i can paint myway across that rear deck because i can reach it easily from the back bumperposition now i can catch up with my wedge now that i've got this i pick up thetail panel and i paint the tail panel now i'm leapfrogging back again over tohear my edge here is still wet enough to
where i pick up the door and i sprainedmy way up the door getting past my panel gap there's areally good reason for that past my panel gap and it makes sensejust to stop and start at the panel gap because it naturally breaks up the car however due to surface tension you'regoing to have a heavy build up on that gap if you're doing a metallic or acandy it can really really bite you in thebuns and make sure that you see that transition you don't want that so i petit past my panel gaps and i leapfrog over to the other side
hope you're getting the picture and wepaint our way up this door again again pastor panel gap so now what we've got is what's calledthe doghouse it's the front end of the car this edge is still wet because i wasover there less than a minute ago but it's dry enough now to pick up the wedgeand i worked my way forward so i pick up the fender work my wayaround the wheel and i push my way across the the same way that i did onthe roof and this is the push-pull method you push to the middle and thenyou pick up the middle on the other side
you walk around pick it up and you pullit from the wedge and you keep it a continuous overlap all the way downuntil you've come all the way across the doghouse and this edge here is still wetenough that you can you can have this continuous coating and if you got alower fascia grill pick up your dry edges there and you'vegot one continuous code on that paint job that looks like it has no dry spots there's no transitions andyou know where to go and typically by the time you work yourway around a car it takes 30 to 40
minutes to do a single code on a carwell there's your flash time so - then you can go into the spray booth make sure got your cup again and startover start with your second coat or your third coat so that's how i like to sequence a paintjob and here's another demonstration go back over this hot rod here and we dohave a little bit of time ok so i'm coming over here if i stopright here here's what that gap looks like that'slooking down at that door now my paint is going to bubble up here it's going tobe get really happy right there
you've seen this on cars on originalequipment cars so if you stop and start right here you're just accentuating thatand you're building up crazy layers of paint right here right on that gap youdon't want to do that you want to the first coat maybe its prey up till here when youcome back around for your second code stretch it over to here on your thirdcoat back it off over here make sure you're getting three full coats changethe position of that that will really help you especially with translucentcolors or candies that is a that's a great technique if you're working acandy walk beside that's a that's an
advanced technique but this right herewill keep you from having runs in the gaps nobody likes the runs no different inpainting yeah
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