(whirring reverberation)(bouncy keyboard music) - we are born into a preformedarchitecture of belief that says, things are either good or bad. this causes us to lovecertain aspects of ourselves while denying others. (bouncy electronic music) my art process speaks to me. i used to reject so muchof what came through. certain lines, strokes, colors, blobs,
i saw as mistakes that ruined the piece. over time i began to see a deeper meaning, that if i kept on goingright through that moment i wanted to quit, thinking it was wrecked, in the end i would see that mistake was the very thing thatcreated a depth and beauty that otherwise could not have been. they are all walkingbundles of ancient threads. imagine all the ancient rootsystems that wrap mother earth,
each root transportingimportant information, some gnarly and grotesque,others majestically spiraled, but all serving a purpose.
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