okay, hello! um, i have gotten a lot of requests,um, for a tutorial because speedpaints are kinda hard to follow sometimes and i totallyget that. um, problem is that this is very hard to do. um, because this video is goingto be very, very long and i really don't feel like writing everything out so i'm just gonnatalk to you and you're gonna listen to my horrible voice for about, aahh, probably thirtyminutes to an hour. sorry! so, we're drawing john--john egbert--today. you know, homestuck?the only thing i draw. um, so, i have this weird mute color of blue and my sketch toolon multiply circle. the beginning to every face--the circle, your line of whatever. so,i'm just gonna sketch this real quick. and speed it up a little bit.
okay, now that we have our super duper roughsketch down i'm gonna at least try to clean it up a little bit. oh-hoh my gosh! 'causethe more weird lines you have in places you don't want, the muddier your painting partis going to beand the more hard it's gonna be to, like, navigatearound all these stupid lines. so, just, it doesn't have to be perfect, just try to cleanit up a little bit. okay, that's--that's good enough. we're gonna have to do with that'cause i don't have a lot much time actually. okay, so, get your reference picture out ofthe way and set your sketchy layer to shade. lower the opacity--o-pah-city? o-pace-ity.i don't know. don't quote me on that. um,
and start your coloring underneath on a normallayer with preferably really opaque. *quietly* alright, a little bit darker, come on. *slightlyless quiet* there we go. *normal volume* and your coloring part doesn't have to be perfecteither because you're gonna be putting other things over it. it-it's fine, just don't worryabout it. *whispering* just don't worry about it, it's cool. okay, now, flat color's down, we got it howwe want it. whatever. um, we're not quite going to merge this down yet. we're gonnakeep it there at about 20% opacity. that's fine. and i'm gonna get...mmm...tinted darkblue on weird desaturated blue. my acrylic brush with these settings...you can probablysee them in the video if you full screen.
and just start--just go at it. this is--ourfirst pass is going to be like just general shadow like don't even--yeah--...disregardall that. it's whatever. this is just gonna be where most of the shadows are. it's very,very faint, this-this layer is going to be, oooerrhh, not very visible. but it's fine'cause it's just to give an idea of shadow. just--and i like finding colors that you canuse on the entirety of your canvas and not have to keep switching around or use blackbecause black is not generally a good thing to shade with. just try to avoid black. don'tdo it. (with worry) just don't do it. okay, then we shut--set--this layer to shade and..hnn..aboutright there again. about 20%. yeah, that's good, and then put it down on your lineartlayers so it kinda looks like that. and now
we're going to do it again. except we're goingmore localized shading..like little...*squeak*...smaller places! and this is going to be a lot darker.there we go. lil' bit more localized. set shade aaand...let's say...aaahh..seventy.there we go. that's good. i actually--i want to change this one to, um, hmmm..red or something.'cause his skin's starting to look a little bit..weeeird. there we go. a little purpleyred. whoa! *incoherent mumble* okay, that's good. aaand...merge down. that's good. andone last time, i wanna make another one of these layers..hm..ah..*very subtle fireworknoises*..let's use red again and do just a really, really big sweep in places that aregonna have a pretty big gradient. okay, heheh, he looks like he has a beard, so what i do,um, on these layers--shade of course--i get
my water tool on these settings so it doesn'tactually make a mark. it just blends. ahhm, kinda, you know, blur out the edges here sothat the gradient is smooth and not--you don't have too many choppy strokes because it'sgonna be kinda choppy 'cause, you know, we're painting. it looks, well, like paint, kindof. but we're gonna make those ourselves. we don't need all this crap in here. get out.mmkay. there we go. close enough and then again. there we go, we got a nice gradienthappening. and now we're totally done with the shading, i think. for the most part. we'rejust--we're going to ignore it for now. then, i use more toward yellow for the highlightsand we're pretty much gonna do the same thing. um...oh, these are kinda hard to see so igo ahead and put it on those. there we go.
this is going to be the--the general. likewe did with the first shading layer. it's just the general light areas. mmkay, now yougot that and it looks suuuper weird, but it's cool. we're going to lower...ehhss...i dunno...how'bout right here? naaahh..it's too gray. just a little bit of light going on. ah! don'tmerge your luminosity layers and your shading because it, ya see, it doesn't--it doesn'tkeep. if you're going to merge, uh, any layer onto another, make sure the bottom layer isnormal. see like, that would stay, but we're not going to merge that yet. we're gonna keepit. and then, like we did with the shading layers, we're gonna add more. *laughter* so,this time it's more localized. and i don't--i don't use as many luminosity passes as i doshade passes but that's just--that's just
me. who's calling me? someone's call--oh!that's--hang on a second! mmkay, anyway, like i said we're gonna do the localized lightor whatever. you just put it at the end of the nose. aaahh..about right here. underneaththe edge of the mouth, hnnn..the apple of the cheek..eaaehha...it's funny how they'recalled apples. they don't resemble apples at all. they're just part of your face. aaand..thecorner of the eyes. tch..on the eyes. this weird thing right here between your eyebrows.aand..that--there we go. that's a base. pretty simple. near chin..lots of stuff. okay, that's--that'sa face. aaand..the rest of it. 'kay, this--lower that--it's gonna be a little bit brighterthan the other one. see, that one's at 11%, this one's gonna be at, ehn, thirty. that'stwenty. i said thirty. okay. there we go.
very pretty! and i think we're pretty muchready to start the actual painting. yay! fun, right? sheet layer down onto the color. i'mgonna merge my luminosity down and if you try to put the luminosity on the shading layer,you're gonna, it's not gonna be fun. 'kay? it's not gonna take. so, now that you haveyour one layer, and also your reference here--hello!--uh, you can start painting. and i usually onlypaint with one layer for the majority of the time. so, i got my acrylic and i use the colorpicker tool on my, uh, on my tablet a lot. it will really, really help you. so you don'thave to keep going, "huhhuh, it's uh..that with the stupid tool." just your color picker,please, just do it. and if your tablet doesn't have a color picker then i-i-i don't knowwhat to tell you. it's this uh, hang on let
me just draw my pen. here's the pen. eh. gota little button right here and a little eraser. the nib. there is this weird long button onit and it's--it's that part right here. ding, ding! it's a bamboo..pen..tablet..whatever.uh. i'm just gonna mess around with this for a little bit. mmkay. i, uhhehh, i cleanedit up a little bit because it was lookin'--it was looking a little bit rough. so, use yourcolor picker tool and you just start going at it. start blending, color picking, justover and over and over again. and it's going to take a long, long time. but you know what?i-i actually find this part kind of relaxing. 'cause, you know, kinda a mindless task atthis point. and sometimes, you know, i very rarely actually use the color wheel thingafter i have all my colors laid down and shaded
and everything but sometimes it does callfor a, you know, using a little bit more saturation or a little bit darker. it's cool. just dowhatever you think looks good. it'll be fine. i'm sure it'll be awesome actually. y'know,if--if you wanna show me some of your drawings, y'know, just send them to me. send me a link.i'll look at 'em. i'll be like, "yeah, yeah that's awesome." you know, if you want a littlebit of critique, i can do that too. okay, you know, just, fuck, i'm just gonna *humming,leading into a song* adjust the hue, a little bit more red, a little bit more saturated,doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, luminescence down, and since i turned down the luminescence,i'm gonna have to put another, uhh, little luminosity layer on there. oh, my voice justcracked. you hear that?! holy shit! wow! i--i
try to use the biggest range of colors i possiblycan, like, total black, total white, at least somewhere on my paintings. also, did you noticei have a lisp? because it is--it is there! and you're gonna listen to it. i mean, youcould click off the video, but, whatever. you know, i don't think you should. i thinkwe could have a great time. *begging* don't leave me. uhh, alright, err..that's good fornow. ehyeh, there we go. and also, i forgot, gonna get my color picker somewhere betweenthis weird pink color and red. right there. just...bright as you can fucking get it. juststart doing this. i usually put it on cheeks, on the nose, and on the ears. beautiful, beautifullipstick. it's gorgeous. you look so pretty, john. you look so pretty. i also do it onthe shoulders, but you can't see them here.
so. and set that shade and get away that weirdcolor. there we go! what do you think? it's adorable. now we have another color to workwith and blend in! and, just, okay, i'm gonna fast forward now. okay, um, it got prettysmooth as you can see. i just now spent like, thirty minutes doing that. um, but i thinkin this tutorial all i'm gonna do is the face because that was the main concern people hadand i don't have enough time all this junk. so, we're just gonna focus on the face rightnow. it's good. it's cool. it's whatever. so, now that all we have all the...all theweird blending and i also gave him eyelashes, um, we're going to just deepen the shadowsa little bit and give him some beautiful little eyelights. highlights in your eyes. eyelights.i'm like a genius, c'mon, that was a good
joke. (you should be laughing.) 'kay, so there'sthat. um, what else was i gonna do? oh yeah! uh, i like to make the noses shiny. *squeaking*it's comforting. i like it. and like, right underneath here, and here. right here. righthere. right here. okay. and of course, shiny lips. i'm gonna smooth out the--that shinya little bit. it's a little bit too shiny. c'mon. okay. uh, lip's gotta be shiny, uh,little splee right here and right here. there we go! look how shiny and beautiful he is.i'm gonna put a little bit of highlights back here because when you're painting they tendto disappear. just a little bit. we're back. there we go! and i, i usually don't give theprospect kids freckles, for some reason, i think that's just a thing i save for the dersekids, um, i will give him freckles just because
someone was asking about that. so i get, um,tchh, weird brown color here. why not?um, and there is this, uh, this brush i have calledb-plats, i don't remember where i got it from honestly, i googled sai brushes and this cameup. i think it was in like a grunge pack, you're welcome to look for it but i--i haveno idea, i'm sorry. maybe i'll look for it. i'll see if there's the name of whoever madeit, but right now i don't know. and this just makes a bunch of, like, dots. so i gotta,like, erase the bigger ones, split 'em up, and take 'em, put 'em over here and deformthem until they, uhh, they look like they fit the face. right there. there we go, that'sgood! and then, lower the opacity on the eraser and just kinda blend around 'em. and thenset that to shade and *brief pbbbbt*. there
we go! there's some faint freckles, you know,not too much. i usually, uh, go back over it with a regular simple circle and put abunch of big weird dots like "hoh...these don't look like freckles, kiwi!" i know, iknow. it just kinda gives texture. like the-the opacity on these is gonna be so low, you'renot gonna notice. it won't matter. so just, just go nuts. just go nuts. here we go, herewe go, whatever. shade. hahahewa..real freckles....aaand put this about..nine-ten opacity. i'd sayten at the very most. so there we go, kinda gives more texture. woot, woot. and then forthe final touch, we do the same thing again. ehh..i'm gonna use the sketch brush for this.put the freckles that you're gonna see the most. these are black just so you know. andthen do the same thing--shade. there you go!
and there's ya some freckles! that's juston one cheek. i don't know what would cause you to only have freckles on one cheek. thereit is! there it is. that's usually what contributes to the face texture are these. then there'salso, um, there's all my freckles, i'm gonna make a new folder, put 'em all in there. ah,no, that's not what i wanna do. here get in there. okay. now that we have all our frecklesin a neat little, uh, thing, folder, we can..okay. i get my, uh, my really light color up here.try not to use white or black on anything except, mm, highlights and the very, verydarkest places 'cause like if you shade with white or black, it's just, you know, it'snot gonna look good. don't do that. i, i don't know when to stop, i just keeping messingwith things. my mom always told me a good
artist always knows when to stop, and i ambad at that. so, anyway, um, i get my b-plats again, do the thing, then luminosity. heck,i, left a little of this. do the same thing you did to the freckles. that's good. gonnaerase a little bit. i usually, i put these on places that are really shiny like, mm,probably on nose, cheeks, sometimes uh, shiny part of the arm. but, i didn't do the arm,so we're not gonna worry about it. then lower. that kinda...i don't know. i don't know whatit's supposed to be but it feels right. kinda like pores maybe. i'unno. could also layerthose with the darker ones. then it makes this kinda neato texture going on. yeah. so,yeah. there it is. this has been-wait no-i forgot his eyebrow hairs! that's the mostimportant part! no it's not, but i really
like eyebrow hairs. aaaahhh! i gotta changemy brush. make sure to never forget your eyebrow hairs, kids. never. ever. mm..put some overhere too. okay. this has been my tutorial, um, i'm not gonna put credits, i'm just gonnatalk to you. um..i drew this with paint tool sai, as you can see right up here. no, i donot know where to get it. this has been a program i've been using, like, this exactsame one for, like, five years now? i dunno. it's been a long, long time. just been transferringit back and forth on my computer so whenever i need to get a new one. um, recorded withdebut video capture software. ah..professional. you get a free trial, but other than thatyou have to pay for it. this took about tsshh, hour and a half? nah. probably about fortyfive minutes. i'll check. anyway, thank you
so much for watching, um, and if there's anyquestions you have, anything you wanna show me, anything you need critiques on, just feelfree to send them to me. um, here's my tumblr. i'm gonna write it down. nooo, that's a bigbrush. c-a-t-dash-p-u-n. there it is. tumblr. and i might make another tutorial soon. so,just tell me what you think, um, thank you for watching! bye-bye!
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