- yes! - for today's flash challenge we returnto the legendary coney island. since the coney island freak show opened in 1880, contortionists have been one of the most popular acts, and this week they'll alsobe your canvases. let's meet them. - they're ripped as [bleep]. any challengewith half-naked women
is an awesome challenge with me. - contortionists combine artand science by bending their bodies into creativeand sometimes shocking shapes. today you must once againwork in teams of two. each teamwill be randomly assigned a pair of contortionists. you must firstpose your canvases, and then use body paint
to transform theminto something else completely. this week you are beingjudged on color theory. - color theoryis taking different colors and makingthem complement each other so that in the end they look great. - you must usea dynamic color palette to distract and direct the eye, creatinga mind-blowing illusion. cleen, you wonthe last elimination tattoo.
that means you getto assign the teams. advantagesare few and far between, so make the most of this one. - the only one i'm tryingto help right now is myself. i'm gonna try and screw over as many of these guys as i possibly can, 'cause i need all the advantage i can get. - cleen's headstrong, man, and i know he's here to win. - every single oneof those skulls
got a bullet in it. - okay, guys,please read the number on the bottom of your skullto determine your team. - one. - four. - cleen chose me because he wants to win, and i'm a winner. winner, winner, chicken dinner. - team three.- three.
- i'm pairing up megan with sausage, because i'm trying to help her out today. he's a good artist. if i paired megan upwith alex, she would kill me. - alex, really, cleen? this guy has checkedout of the building. - number two.- two. - this could be an absolute disaster. anthony and i both primarilydo black and gray,
and this challenge is all about color theory. it's one of the firstsmart moves cleen's made. - the winnersof the flash challenge will have the powerto assign all human canvases in the elimination tattooas a team. you have four hours to use color theory to createa jaw-dropping illusion, and your time starts now. ♪ ♪
- hey, how's it going? - this is a hard,creative challenge. - that would be freaking awesomeif i knew what to do with it. - first of all, you have to figure out how to position these contortionists. - we need somethingthat's gonna be stable too. - stable. - second of all, they have to disguise these human figures by using the right colors
to make it something amazing. - maybe putyour two legs together there. - not only are we dealingwith weird-ass contortionists... - that's a little better.- what could it be? but i've never, everairbrushed before in my life. - yeah, i can seea face right there. what do you think aboutthe idea of a snake? what about an adamand eve theme? oh, dude, her boobsas an eye?
is that a ship? - as an eye? we are talking way too muchand losing valuable time. - that's an awful little headfor a great big swan, brother. - if we don't win this challengeand get a skull pick, i don't see us turning the tideat all in our favor. - i'm just at a [bleep]loss here on this one. - we can do, like,an alligator head. i was thinking, like, a swan.
- every idea falling outof alex's mouth right now is absolutely horse [bleep]. we should try to dolike a macaw. - i have no ideawhat that bird looks like. - oh, it's fine.i got it. - okay.- don't worry about it. i have to take the leadin this challenge because alex doesn't haveanything to bring. this is the one, dude.this is the winner.
if we get that skull pick,we could [bleep] totally take over. i've got 99 problems,and they're all alex. - i'm imagining it's likesome body styles, like, say, like,she's bent over. - yeah, yeah.- her head's here. i started to get some sort of,like, a clown face. - the clown idea is [bleep]killer. - we're at coney island.
a laughing clownseems perfect subject matter. - we're gonna have ourcontortionist actually twerk, so it's gonna make the clown laugh. this is gonna be awesome. - i think, like, a spider would be, like,a really badass-- - or what i'm thinking is,like, one arch this way and one arch this way. would that not give youkind of a scorpion shape?
- i need to see themin their positions again. - that was a scorpion. - yes. - because thennow it's the body. - yeah, look at the legs,dude. we should sketch out where they are real quick,take them apart, and then figure outwhere we're painting them. ♪ ♪
- two more hours. two more hours. - if we put herin front of him, maybe the legs out, then we've got some kind of,like, facial structure where it's--you know what i'm saying? something with horns. - like a [bleep, murmurs]or something? - do a demon, like an oni.
yes, yes.- nice. all right. we wasted a lot of timetrying to figure out what the hell we're gonna do. now that we got it,it's gonna be a sprint to the finish line. - we've got two airbrushes. let's start painting, dude. - yours can be really lighton the back. it doesn't haveto be really solid.
- sausageseems like a really sweet, little, jolly dude, but he's starting to act like a dick. - what do you think,white highlights? - i don't knowif it needs white highlights. they have, like, yellow popshere and there. that's what we should usefor a highlight color. - i'm just trying to dosomething that's gonna pop out, because if this is gonna bethe front of him,
then it's gonna bethe main focus of it. - he won't listen to my ideas. - i had a bottle of white. i think that i havea stronger stake in this challenge than she does. i especially need to do well, because i need to get control of this game and show my presenceas a fierce competitor. - how you feeling?
- this is not exactly howi would have used color theory, but it's a coolsubject matter we got. - we got to win this one, marq. this one's for the veterans. - it's the badassesversus the non-badasses. - cleen and st. marqare painting buttholes all day long, and they'relaughing their ass off. - [laughs] - i'm taking the [bleep] serious.
if this ass clown wins the challenge, i will punch everybodyin the face right now.
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