also for body art i recommend some of theseif you doing may be for girls. these are little gemstones. they are acrylic jewels. they arenot very heavy. there is a special adhesive for them it is called spirit gum. it is aprosthetic adhesive they use to put fake noses on and things like that. you do not need that.if you have eyelash glue at home that is just fine enough especially for kids. it is betterfor sensitive skin okay. so now what i am going to tell you is, i would like to talkabout what we would use this for. i do a lot of parties and events with the paint. youcan do armbands on the kids, you can do flowers, lizards, all different pictures that kidsare into if you are doing a kid̢۪s party. if you are doing something for adults letus say you are going out you can make fake
lower back pieces on them, fake lower backdesigns, fake tattoos. the choices are basically limitless.
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