- [boss] oh my god!- oh my god! (laughter) - what are you doing? - [model] this is basically like my boss no! so, today the go get glitter girls are gonna make me a top and some leggings made completely out of glitter. i'm excited but i'm also really scared
because other than glitter, i'm basically naked. i'm afraid that a gust ofwind will knock it all off and everyone will see my girls. i'm excited to kind justget to celebrate my body. i'm not gonna tell my mom about this, cause i already know what she's gonna say. but we'll just keep it between you and me. you and me and and assurant
(harp strumming) - i'm sophia- and i'm holly. - [both] and we're go get glitter we are a specialistglitter cosmetics brand that travels from theuk all around the world trying to spread the sparkle. today we're going to be creating a glitter fashion body look. it'll take about an hour.
we're using our metallicclassic glitter set. - [sophie] which you canpurchase online on our website. - it's all biodegradable and cruelty free. - [sophia] we also wantto try and push the idea that people should feelcomfortable in the skin they're in. - [producer] why are you holding those? - we're putting them on my bum. so we can put glitter around it. i went to pride, and ithink it was the first time
i saw someone justwalking around in pasties, and i was like, "how do you do that? "i wanna do that, but i don'treally want to do that." i think there's some mornings when you wake up and you look at yourself, and you're really pleasedwith what you see, and then there's other days where you just pick apart all the littlethings that you don't like. my hips are too wide, ormaybe they're not wide enough.
my stomach isn't as flatas i would want it to be, there's just so many things, and i think it's all really stupid. i think the best thingyou can do for yourself is just to embrace everysingle part of you, and not care about whatother people think about it. (slow percussive music) okay, so i'm about to look at myself. (drum roll)
oh, my god. what? holy crap, i'm so shiny. yeah, i think i'm definitelya lot better with this now, because it looks so coolthat it kinda distracts me from the fact thati'm pretty much naked. it's literally like a rainbow of colors. oh, my god, look at my butt! whoa, okay, look at my butt though.
now that i'm completelycovered in glitter, i think i'm ready to gooutside and show my friends. (heavy electric guitar cords) i feel ridiculously nakednow that we're outside. - [voiceover] it wasn'tuntil i got outside that i realized how scared i was to let people see me like this. although i didn't showit, it was instant regret. - you're a little exposed.
it's like you have a pet glitter monster. - this is so weird, i feellike i'm at coachella, but no one else it at coachella. - [voiceover] i had to remind myself that i wasn't doing this to getother peoples reactions, i was simply trying to feelmore comfortable in my own skin. - i'm covered in glitter. - is this just like a phasethat you're going through? yeah, i had a hollisterphase, and people judged me,
and i didn't appreciate it,so i'm not gonna judge you. - what do you think, would you do this? - no. - no? - absolutely not. - if you're confident about you, and you're confidentabout your appearance, it doesn't really matterwhat everyone thinks. glitter for all of you.
glitter, glitter, glitter. goodbye. - oh, my goodness, you look so good. - yeah, i do look like an oscar award. - yeah. - [voiceover] i thinkthis experience really taught me that if you can exert confidence and be yourself in anysituation, wearing whatever, you can do anything.
- that would be great for pride. can i get a matching one? - oh, my god, you would do it with me? - yeah, i would do it. - sam would do it with me, okay good. - yeah, for pride. i would do it for the gays. - i would do it again, but i'mnot gonna do it at my office. you're not gonna get me todo this in my office again.
- her booby's touching mine! - you look great, you look great. - [model] let's keep theglitter on the boobs. - [red shirted woman] damn, girl. (gentle chiming music)
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