- alright guys, what's up? how's it goin'?hey, what's up? hello, hello, alright anyway,let's get on with the video. i really wanna get moreinstagram followers so why don't you guys follow me? that's the whole video. it's just a little vlog of measking you guys to follow me. no, for real, i really wannaget more instagram followers. right now i have about8,000 on my instagram page
which may seem like a lot but compared to othersocial media people who have millions and millions andmillions and millions and millions of followers, it really isn't that much. so i've been doing some research and it seems like what's really popular on instagram right now is body painting. which is basically just female models getting painted in clothes andit looks like they're dressed
but they're actually naked. so all i have to do is get one of these accounts touse me as their model. i spent the next fewhours trying to contact every single body paintinginstagram page i could find. guys, jen the body painter, who get millions and millions of views on each one of her posts justagreed to use me as her model. i am super excited to do this.
i hope i get a bunch offollowers out of this. let's go. hey, how's it goin'? - good, good, good. is there anything i cando to prepare for this? - wax the whole body? do it for the instagram followers. so i'm heading downtownto get a sugar wax. sugaring's supposed to hurt alot less than regular waxing.
it's just lemon, water, and what the (bleep)was the last ingredient? - oh sugar, there we go. (laughing) so it's not hot, you'renot gonna get burnt, and they pull in the directionthat your hair grows. i don't know why i'm doing this. i got to the salon andi was really nervous. so was the lady.
i had a lot of chest hair and i asked her if maybe i could have a localanesthetic or something. she gave me some baby powder. (groaning) oh, man. (heavy metal music) (screaming) hurt so bad i ended up passing out. when i woke up and looked down i realized
i have a 13-year-old bar mitzvah bod. i took my hairless bod to gobuy some very little underwear because i can't be naked in the shoot. i met jen the body painterand her whole family but before we started shooting, i wanted to learn a little bitabout how they got into this. it stemmed from like usingbodies to advertise things? - pretty much 'cause when i got painted as a cheetah i got so much attention.
- is it very differentthan regular painting? - oh yeah because the person moves. so with like a canvas, you justcan just sit there for hours and play your music whatever,feel really relaxed. - so how long does it take usually? - captain america wasseven to eight hours. for you, right now whatwe're getting ready to do it's gonna take us two and a half hours. - so you guys are likea family who just...
- does really weird things together. so i would literally come home from school and as soon as i'd walk in the door, like our kitchen is in sight, so i would see like toplessgirls just walking around. - my mom never paintednaked models in my house. it was just like my dadwalking around naked. anyway, time for me to get naked. it was awkward becausei realized i'm at work.
- what the (bleep) is happening right now? we then had to take a bunchof pictures for the thumbnail. being an instagrammer isn't easy. then they gave me so pre-painted shorts, so they didn't have to paint my, you know. looked at their phone tofind pictures of clothes and started painting. (electronic music) she also had to paintinside my belly button.
that was a big no-no. time for the big reveal. oh dude! holy (bleep)! wow! oh my god. yo, it looks so good! if anybody watches friends,when bruce willis talks to himself and he's like"who's a sex machine?" i'm a sex machine right now.
i said that and nobody laughedso it made me uncomfortable. this painting is insane. you did that on me while iwas like talking and laughing? - [jen] yeah. - how's my butt look? - [jen] great.- [second artist] amazing - [jen] never looked better. - it's time to go out, see if people notice,see what people think.
buzzfeed, get ready for naked eric. (acapella singing) at first people didn't even notice. and when they did, theydidn't know what it was. - are those leggings?- [eric] yeah! - are they even pants orare they just leggings? - that feels like your skin. is it your skin? - [eric] it's my skin.
- wait. what the (bleep)? - oh wait. oh my god it's paint. - this is... - i'm naked. (laughs) - it looked like a real shirt. i'm like that is a small, tiny shirt. - are you a little cold? it's a bit nipplely in here.
- you're wearing underwear because... - no, no, no. my penis is taped to my leg. no, no, no, i'm kidding. it's not, i'm wearing underwear. - oh thank god, thank god. - how would it be taped? to what? - it's also blizzarding outside
so maybe not the wisestchoice today but... - not at all, i have to go outside - i cannot stop staring at your penis. i am so sorry eric, i just can't do it. - look at my eyes, that's who i am. - now you know how i feel all the time. - so this was super fun. most people had no idea. it took a lot of peoplea long time to realize
i was painted and oncethey realized, they were so impressed with the paint job. so i think that's the coolestthing about this video was like how good theseguys are at what they do. body painting truly is an artform, it's really impressive. now i'm gonna head home, figureout how to wash this off. getting home sucked becausethere was a blizzard outside and well, paint doesn'treally keep you warm. my nipples are so hard right now.
showering was fun though, ilooked like a human bath bomb. it looked pretty cool. i've been in the shower for 45 minutes, and it's still not coming off. and my whole shower is bleached black. so i just finishedediting, it's been a week. and here's the update: jenthe body painter has posted my post, she tagged me in it. it currently has over 500,000 views.
and my instagram page (drum roll) i only got 100 followers. i waxed my whole body for 100 followers. i've been itchy allweek for 100 followers. everyone just caredabout the body painters, and not about me. i'm not giving up, though. i'm gonna keep making these videos
till i get a million followers. (soft jazz music)
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